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Location: Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India

Personal files don't lie. I am a head-down-to-earth person, hard-working, caring and helpful. And believe me, I am very patriotic. No, it's not the story of the fox and sour grapes -- I am proud to be an Indian doing my bit being in my country. Cannot tolerate hypocrites, show-offs (the world is full of 'em isn't it?). I do a bit of social service as I believe in "Maanava Sevaye Maadhava Seva".

Monday, December 01, 2008

Terror strikes

What's happening to mankind? What are we going to teach the next generation? Where are the answers to all the questions your tiny tots ask you about the horrifying visuals of the frequent terror strikes they see on TV?
Questions, questions and questions -- but NO answers.
The politicians care a damn about the security of the common man. It is a shame that time and again, after such acts, our 'so-called' leaders appear on television in their best attire and say things like "India will remain strong", "We condemn such attacks", "We will take strict action", "We stand united at this hour" etc.
As any other citizen of the nation, I too am confused as to what will bring about a change in this country. Would things have really been better had we still been under British rule? Sixty years of Independence and look where we are? VERY SICKENING.
Has everyone started thinking like me? Will such thoughts from a billion rational-thinking Indians lead to a renaissance? Is there light at the end of the tunnel?
God -- answer my prayers.


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